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Loshu Grid Numerology Course

Numerology Course by Gopal Vashisht unveils the mystical power of numbers. Explore the profound connections between your name, birth date, and life events.
Category Numerology
280 students enrolled
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Numerology Course by Gopal Vashisht unveils the mystical power of numbers. Explore the profound connections between your name, birth date, and life events. Learn how numbers shape your personality, relationships, and destiny. Gain insights into your life’s purpose and navigate challenges with numerological guidance. Uncover the hidden meanings behind numbers and unlock your true potential.


Contents Covered in this Course

  1. Introduction to Numerology
  2. Molank Number
  3. Destiny Number
  4. Combination Number
  5. Loshu Grid Creation
  6. Kua Number
  7. Missing Number
  8. Impact Of Number
  9. Lo Shu Grid Yogas
  10. Personal Year
  11. Personal Month
  12. Personal Day
  13. Name Numerology
  14. Miscellaneous like Car Number, Bank Account Number Check.
  15. Match Making
  16. Remedies

Software for 1 Year costs 3250/- ( Windows Based Loshu Grid Software)

CALL 9582067355 for more information.

What is Covered in Course ?
Complete Loshu Grid Numerology is Covered .
I am a beginner, Can i Enroll to this Course ?
Yes, Course flow is specially made for Beginners.
Untitled design (3)
Course details
Duration 2.6 Hours
Lectures 17
Level Beginner
Lifetime Access
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